
Real Story真故事18-生活中真正的MVP

所属专辑: 鬼魅英文
主播: frank老师
最近更新: 2019-06-06时长: 08:41

Real Story真故事18-真正的MVP


今日故事:大部分人关注明星及他们的动态 ,然而很少人去真正想了解清洁工人的工作,当我们沉溺于日常的生活,想当然地认为生活垃圾会自动消失,城市会自然美丽、整洁,却忽略了这些辛苦的工人们的劳动。

#Key text主要文本:

You watch the NBA and everybody knows an MVP-the most valuable player; A super star had a concert last weekend and everybody knew it and would pay much money to see him. But sadly no one cares about the people who clean up for them- the sanitation workers.你观看NBA比赛,大家都知道MVP-最有价值球员;一位巨星在上周末举办了演唱会,所有人都知道此事,也愿意花很多钱去看他的表演。但是令人难过的是却没有人关心那些给他们打扫场地的人-清洁工人。


In people’s ideas, these garbage cleaners are never important, but they are, in everybody’s lives. If the sanitation workers refuse to work for one day, our streets will be messy and dirty, the snow in cold weather will make everybody hurt.在人们看来,这些垃圾清洁工并不重要,但事实却相反,他们很重要,存在于所有人的生活中。如果清洁工人拒绝工作一天,我们的街道就会变得脏乱不堪,冬天的大雪也会让人头痛。


People throw away trash every day, have you ever thought about how your trash is dealt with? Next time before you throw the trash out of your car, please think about the hard work of the sanitation workers’, because they put their body on the line to protect the public’s health. They are the little people who make our days easier every day! They are the true MVPs!人们每天都在扔垃圾,你有没有想过你的垃圾是如何被处理掉的?下次在你打开车窗扔出垃圾之前,考虑一下清洁工人的辛苦的劳动吧,因为他们将自身置于危险中而换来大众的健康。他们是每天让我们的生活变得更容易的小人物,他们才是真正的MVP。


#Language point精讲句型:

1.They are the little people who make our days easier every day!:They are the people who do sth.他们是。。。的人(定语从句)

eg. She is the girl who makes my life more interesting她是让我生活变得更有趣的女孩。

2.pay much money to see him: pay money to do sth. 付很多钱做某事eg. I paid much money to learn Japanese.我付了很多钱来学习日语

3.without them life would be a lot more difficult for all of us. without sth., sb. would be…如果没有。。的话,某人/某事将会更。。。。。(虚拟语气,用would +do):eg.Without my friend Tom, my work would be more boring.要不是我的朋友TOM,我的工作将更无聊


You are listening to Real Story, I’m Frank. Let me hear your voice, you can leave your comments and questions here if you like my show, and you can subscribe for more updates, my class information and answers to your questions. That’s for today’s show, see you soon.

#Written and edited文字作者:Frank X老师,转载请注明出处;

#voice and tech-work:语音录制:Frank X;

 #Background music背景音乐: Broadhurst - Little Lover;  


