
Real Story真故事20-狱后重生

所属专辑: 鬼魅英文
主播: frank老师
最近更新: 2019-06-06时长: 18:33

There’s one kind of people everybody tries not to talk about: people out of prison. Many stay far away from them if they know these people’s prison experiences, they might think they are still dangerous and bad. Hi, I’m Frank X for Real Story. Today we talk about after-prison life based on real experiences of some former prisoners. 大家都不愿意提及一种人:进过牢房的人。如果有人知道这些人的监狱经历,就会远离他们。他们可能觉得这些人仍然是危险的坏人。大家好,我是Frank老师,这里是真故事。今天我们聊聊根据有过真实监狱经历的几个人的故事。

When people come out of prison, they really need much help because they might have been in prison for too long to have a clear idea about what life is really like outside the prison. They have been away from the society for too long. As the life in modern age changes quickly but prison life has stayed pretty much the same as many years ago in the world. So when they first got out of jail, they are left behind by everything. It’s hard for them to get a job and back to their own family. And some might commit crimes again. I hope there are more organizations to help them out, giving them their life back.刚出狱的人真的需要很多帮助,因为在牢房监禁太久,而不了解狱外真实的生活。他们脱离社会太久。在世界上,当代社会变化快,而狱中生活多年来未曾有较大改变,所以当他们刚出狱,他们已经被“抛弃”。他们很难找到工作,也难返回到家人身边。有些人就会重返旧辙再次犯罪。我希望会有更多相关机构帮助他们,重拾生活勇气。


inmate: 犯人

commit crime 犯罪

help sb. out 帮某人克服困难

release  释放

documentary 纪录片

consultant  咨询师

parole 假释


通过几个有过监狱经历的人讲述他们的故事。开头介绍了作者小时候的邻居的故事,又讲起经典美剧“越狱”-也是让作者大开眼界的美剧,第五季马上要回归了。监狱相关题材的美剧有很多哦,还有个近年来比较火的纪录片“制造杀人犯”,大家可以看看。Jamal Faison讲述他刚出狱时候面对的恐惧与迷茫,和对他叔叔的感激。叔叔对他不离不弃,一直在关心照顾他。Michael Santos的监狱经历很惊奇,他竟然在狱中写书并赚了钱,出来时候已经富有。Otis Johnson在25岁时候袭警入狱,出狱时候已经69岁,一切是那么惊奇,俨然来到外星球一样,墙上的LED大屏幕,智能手机都让他惊奇万分。Felix的感受类似Otis,他似乎还在留恋“稳定”的狱中生活。Akbar出狱后一直在捉摸怎样去改革监狱制度,这似乎有点难度。。。


I remember when I was a child, we had a neighbor whose son was an inmate, because of stealing. A few years later, he got released, and he went back to his parents, but his life got more difficult because his family couldn’t accept him. Later he was back to prison again because he stole his brother’s TV for money. Later the same thing happened to this young man again, out of prison and got back into it. All I want to say is everyone deserves a second chance, but don’t waste it.And if we really try to accept them for who they really are, maybe it would be a better world for everybody.

     There have been many American TV shows about prison life and life out of prison. One of the most famous is the Prison Break in 2005. (Prison Break 5) ********


That’s season 5 of Prison Break, coming back soon. Shows on similar stories also got popular, mostly because many people don’t know much about the real prison life. But the real life can be different from what you watch. If you watch the Netflix documentary Making a Murderer, you will know it’s hard to rebuild a life after the prison.(Making a Murderer) ********


The way some former inmates described their jail life is very surprising. In February of 2012, Jamal Faison was a 20-year-old college sophomore home on school break in New York City when he, along with a group of friends, was arrested for attempting to steal mobile devices from a subway rider. Jamal maintains he wasn’t involved in the robbery. Following the arrest, Jamal spent eight months on Rikers Island. While there, his uncle, Born Blackwell, visited almost weekly. Four years later, Jamal and Born talked about the night he was released from jail.

(Audio 1)


 You are listening to Real Story, I’m Frank, a professional English teacher. Let me hear your voice, you can leave your comments and questions here if you like my show, and you can subscribe for more updates, my class information and answers to your questions. That’s for today’s show, see you soon.

#Written and edited文字作者:Frank X老师,转载请注明出处;

#voice and tech-work:语音录制:Frank X;

 #Background music背景音乐: Chad Mitchell Trio - Run Run Run



