
Real Story真故事27-校园枪击,25年前

所属专辑: 鬼魅英文
主播: frank老师
最近更新: 2019-06-06时长: 22:16

Real Story真故事27-校园枪击,25年前  

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Hey I’m Frank X. You might find so many learning videos, audios on line easily, good and bad. Even the famous people do it too. The problem is :how do you know which one is right, and you are doing it right?You need a teacher’s advice and corrections.This is the reason I do this show too, so after listening,join me in my wechat at :frankinchina , I’m sure you will like learning better.大家好我是Frank老师,你可能发现网上有太多英语教学资源,好的坏的,但是问题是你可能不知道怎么去练,甚至说错了也不知道,所以你更需要老师的指导,才会更进步,加入Frank老师的wei xin群免费学习吧!


This is Real Story,

Today we are talking about school shootings in America. It’s a hot topic many people talk about in the US. because it seems school shootings can not be stopped. Many families suffer from such horrible things. Many Chinese people have no idea about why there are so many shootings in the US. and how guns are still allowed. So I hope today’s show can get you better understand about gun shootings. Whether it’s about the guns or the bad people, it’s always important to keep safe when there is danger around us.(school shooting:校园枪击;suffer from遭受)


A 12-year-old girl killed 4 students at a middle school in Los Angeles last week. Police earlier said the Thursday shooting was not planned. A student who was in the class when shots happened said he thought the gunfire was an accident. The girl holding the gun "didn't mean to" shoot the 15-year-old girl, police said. This was at least the third school shooting in recent weeks in the United States. Another student shot 16 people -- killing two -- on January 23, at western Kentucky's high School in Benton. (Audio 1)




There has been at least one school shooting since 2018, and more and more Americans say they want a good gun-control. But in fact, this is very difficult. Since December 15th 1791,Americans have been given the right to have weapons to protect themselves, they are free to have a weapon if it’s legal. This can not be changed and will not be possibly changed, even though on October 2nd 2017,a 64-year-old man shot at the local concert, causing 50 dead and more than 200 injured in Las Vegas. America is not the only country in the world that allows people to have guns, but America is obviously the country that has the most school shootings. There are many reasons to explain this, people who have mental problems for example. And will there be no school shootings, or any shootings at all, if there are strict gun controls? The answer is no. Because once a gun control happens, it’s against the American laws, not only one. Also if a bad guy decides to kill others, it’s just hard to stop him. And how many guns are there in America? About 270 million! It’s even more than the population of America. Many people believe “a gun doesn’t kill, it’s the person who uses it.枪不杀人,人会”( weapon 武器)

The biggest problem about managing guns in America is not about controlling legal guns, but those illegal ones. In America, it’s hard to get a license of having a gun: there are many rules and tests to pass before one has a gun. So in most shootings including the school shootings in America, the guns the killers used were illegal ones. And American government is not able to clean up all the illegal guns. So question is: Are school shootings going to happen again? probably yes.(legal guns合法枪支illegal非法的)

Tiger Sun told us about his story on school shooting:

April 16th, 2007: the deadliest school shooting in US history happened in my hometown of  Blacksburg, Virginia at Virginia Tech. It still brings chills just thinking about it. I was still in second grade so I never experienced the horror first hand and at the time, I guess I never really realized how serious the situation was.(bring chills to sb.使某人感到发冷)

I still remember when our elementary school got the call, we were in the middle of a lesson when the phone rang. And then we locked down. The windows were blocked; the lights went off; and the board games came out (to keep us busy). Of course, being second-graders at the time, we had no idea what was happening just two miles away. We were just happily playing our board games, excited that we got to end the day’s lesson early, totally happy. I still can’t believe it. I remember looking at our teacher, and noticing a worried look covering her face as she nervously looked out of the glass window leading into the hallway, and thinking nothing of it. The next few days were a blur.(elementary school小学,blur模糊,污渍)

I remember being picked up by my parents and having dinner at my best friend’s house, still not sure of what just happened a few hours earlier.

I remember hearing the stories of heroism, of the professor who pushed her door shut with desks just as the gunman was about to break through, and the stories of loss, of the innocent and promising students whose lives were cut short by a moment of madness.(heroism英雄行为)

I remember my parents seriously telling me what to do if I was ever in that situation, to run as fast as I could, to lock myself in a room, to never play the hero. I remember the candles, the shocked college town, the tears, the sadness.

I remember the resolve, the unity, the way our small community got together.(resolve决心;unity团结;community社区)

It was a lot to take in for a second-grader, but I remember it all. I remember it all because we will never forget. (second-grader二年级学生)

The following conversation for some, will be hard to hear. It happened at a prison, where a father sat down to talk with the school shooter who killed his son. On December 14, 1992, Wayne Lo murdered Greg Gibson’s son Galen, in a shooting at Simon’s Rock college in Massachusetts. In the years since, Gibson has set out to understand how it happened, in the hopes of preventing anyone else from having to live through what he has. Almost 25 years after the shooting, he visited Lo in prison for an interview — the first time they had ever spoken.(Audio2)





Lisheng Deng, a high school student who is going to college said:

I did not, but my mom, who study ESL in a community college right now had a shooting experience once.

I believe it was after this year’s spring break. She was sitting in her class quietly as usual, suddenly, there was an announcement from the school that asked every teacher in the classroom to turn off the light and lock the door, every students were required to stay in the classroom and hide under their chair. My mum was shocked at the time. She hid under her chair against the wall, and she put her backpack on her head. Anyway, according to my mum, she did not see anything happen in her classroom, but the school had told all students to stay in the classroom immediately since an emergency was happening. Therefore, my mom guessed that there was a shooting going on. However, she did not hear any voices, neither did she hear any shooting going on. The whole building was quiet, except she could hear the voice of the police talking. After half an hour, since nothing is happening, some of my mum’s classmates tried to walk out to see what was going on. Meanwhile, some policemen came to the door and asked them to go out.(announcement通告;emergency紧急事件)

After my mum walked out the building, it became obvious that there had been a shooting happening in the school. Because there were lots of police cars and many policemen carrying guns to keep safety. There were even a few helicopters in the sky. My mum told me that it was just like a movie, where policemen were carrying real weapons and trying to rescue the pupils from the horror of a shooting.

The details of the shooting became clear a few days later. A man had killed a woman, before killing himself. The murder was happening in a restroom. Although that building was not even close to the building where my mum had had class, she was still terrified by the situation. In the end, she told me that now she realized how realistic these shootings are in the U.S. Yes, it can happen everywhere, so you need to be careful and also try to be ready in the case of an emergency. You are listening to Real Story. You can join me in my微信at: frankinchina to learn how to speak better, most important is it’s free. That’s today’s show, see you next time.

#Written and edited文字作者:Frank X老师,转载请注明出处;

#voice and tech-work:语音录制:Frank X;

#Background music背景音乐: From Your Balcony - The leaver and the left  


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