
Real Story真故事17-抱怨个披萨

所属专辑: 鬼魅英文
主播: frank老师
最近更新: 2019-06-06时长: 07:41

Real Story真故事17-抱怨个披萨


frank微信:85374510;complain about sth.意思是抱怨,投诉之意。在生活中很多人经常抱怨社会的不公,人情的冷漠,然而这些消极的抱怨却不能解决任何问题,何不学会乐观、微笑面对困难,重新振奋起来呢?满血充满自信的勇气,一起去战斗!


Of course mostly people complain about it right. The other kind of complaints is about life problems. We might find people complaining about almost everything in their life:Why is my shirt so dirty? Why is my colleague having a more expensive car? Be careful, this kind of complaints might drag you down to being unhappy, because nobody else cares! Being negative doesn’t solve any problems at all. If you want to win at life, it starts with YOU. No one will do it for you.You have to be strong again to face your problems. It’s important to appreciate what you have - you don't need everything you want. It's an advantage growing up poor because you aren't handed things. You have to work, are hungry, and given a desire to succeed. 当然人们大多时候投诉方式没问题。另一种是抱怨是有关生活方面的问题。我们会发现人们抱怨几乎一切:为什么我的衬衫这么脏?为什么我的同事开着更昂贵的车?要小心,这种抱怨可能让你更不开心,因为别人根本不在乎你的抱怨!悲观的态度不能解决任何问题。如果你想作生活赢家,就要从你自身做起。没有人替你行动。你要再次更强地面对问题。感激你所拥有的很重要,你不需要想要的一切。贫穷中长大是一种优势,因为你没有被施舍。你得努力,不满足,被生活给予成功的渴望。

You have to work, are hungry, and given a desire to succeed.:你不得不工作,变得渴望,需要成功的动力。

“are hungry”很恰当地描述出对求知充满饥饿,需要成功的渴望,等同于desire;

It’s important to appreciate what you have..:It’s important to do sth.“做某事是重要的” 我经常对学生们讲,这个是万能句型,可以用到生活中各个方面,如:It’s important for me to learn English.

…this kind of complaints might drag you down to being unhappy:“这种抱怨会拖累你变得不快乐”-drag sb. down to…拖累某人到。。。


You are listening to Real Story, I’m Frank. Let me hear your voice, you can leave your comments and questions here if you like my show, and you can subscribe for more updates, my class information and answers to your questions. That’s for today’s show, see you soon.

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