
Real Story真故事19-美国大兵故事

所属专辑: 鬼魅英文
主播: frank老师
最近更新: 2019-06-06时长: 14:49

Real Story真故事19-大兵故事

Life is full of surprises, passion, beliefs and all the down time we experience. It seems we’re tested by the society all the time. It’s becoming more important to find a moment for ourselves. This is Real Story, we’re on! 生活充满我们经历着的惊奇,热情,信仰与所有低迷的时期。似乎社会总在考验我们。找寻属于自己的那一时刻变得愈加重要。这里是真故事,我们准备好了!


当兵的人最可爱是不无道理的,他们不仅仅在战争年代牺牲自己保家卫国-当然美国大兵不是保家卫国也在每天冒着生命危险,同时也在灾害来临之时救援百姓。本文提及到今年四月叙利亚(Syria)政府对平民使用的沙林毒气(Sarin gas)-一种无色无味,迅速在空气传播的致命毒气,很微量的沙林毒气就可以瞬间造成伤亡。

#Key text主要文本:

I’ve got friends who used to be soildiers.We call the soldiers “people who serve in the military”, or “men or women in uniforms”They all told me they became different after serving in the army.They will never forget the hard training and sweating every day, and the strong friendship with other soldiers.This leaves in their heart for ever.The soldiers do everything to protect the country and the people, working hard to keep us safe.我有一些当过兵的朋友。我们称呼士兵“在军队服役的人们”或者“穿军装的男女“这些朋友都告诉我在军队服役后他们有多么大的改变。他们永远不会忘记每天有过的艰苦的训练和汗水,与其他大兵们的真挚的友谊。这都永远铭刻于心。士兵们不惜一切来保卫国家和人民,保证我们的安全。

In peaceful days, soldiers not only train almost every day in the army, but also help rescue people in times of natural disasters, like earthquake and floods. For example, when the deadly flood happened in China in1998,more that 4 million soldiers were sent to fight the flood and save people’s lives, and many soldiers also lost their lives when rescuing people.10 years later the huge Sichuan earthquake happened and about 140,000 soldiers rushed to Sichuan to rescue. It’s hard to imagine what life would be like without the soldiers. They always show up when they are needed.在和平年代,士兵们不仅仅几乎每天都在军队训练,同时也出现在自然灾害肆虐的地方营救,如地震与洪水。例如在1998年致命的大洪水肆虐时,超过4百万的士兵被派往洪水现场作斗争,救人性命,很多士兵也在营救中失去了生命。10年后的2008年四川地震就有140,000兵力被派遣参与救援。很难想象没有这些士兵,将会出现什么后果。他们总出现在危机关头。

#Language point精讲句型与词汇:

1. It belongs to a class of chemical weapons known as nerve agents.它属于一类被熟知的神经毒剂的化学武器类别。nerve agent:神经毒剂; a class of:一类。。的;chemical weapon化学武器;known as:作为。。而著名;

2. As a country, America has been at war nonstop for the past 13 years.美国作为一个国家,在过去13年中一直在参与战争。be at war:在交战状态;nonstop a.&adv.不停地;

3. The soldiers do everything to protect the country and the people, working hard to keep us safe.士兵们竭尽所能来保卫国家与人们;do everything(one can)to do sth.:某人尽全力做某事

4.toxic  a. poisonous 有毒的

5.on active duty 现役;正服兵役;


You are listening to Real Story, I’m Frank. Let me hear your voice, you can leave your comments and questions here if you like my show, and you can subscribe for more updates, my class information and answers to your questions. That’s for today’s show, see you soon.

#Written and edited文字作者:Frank X老师,转载请注明出处;

#voice and tech-work:语音录制:Frank X;

 #Background music背景音乐:Boyzone-Rise  




